Worship Service hours:
Services are held at 7:30 am and 10:00 am.
The period January 19 – February 09 is slated for pledging.
Let us start preparing to pledge our time, talents and gifts to the service of the Lord.
Congregational Meeting
A congregational meeting will be held on
Friday, January 24, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. via the Zoom Platform.
You are reminded that the meeting is for members only
and your names should appear when requesting admission.
Zoom link - Meeting ID: 897 3235 6040 Passcode: 536705
Keswick Convention
Keswick Convention will be held January 19 – 26, 2025.
Theme: Truth in Action
Main Speakers: Bishop Dr Roy Notice and Rev Dr Dylon Toussaint
Devotionals are now available
Big Print - $1,000
Regular Print - $500
Citizens College / HEART NSTA
Registration is on for the adult learning programme run by the
Church in partnership with HEART NSTA
Application forms are available in the office.
Persons 17 years and over who need to be literate or
need a high school diploma may apply to the programme.
You are reminded of the Meadowbrook United Church’s Bank Account for your Tithes and Offerings:
Name of Bank: Bank of Nova Scotia, Branch: Half-Way-Tree, Branch Code: 60145,
Account number: 432814, Type of Account: Chequing.
Persons may also call the Office and make arrangements for the collection of your tithes and offerings.
We would like to thank all those who have volunteered to assist with the activities needed to keep the Church open for worship services. Volunteers are still needed for other Sundays.
May we together continue to depend on God, who has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of love and of power and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
Please follow us on:
Facebook: Meadowbrook United Church
Instagram: @meadunited